Sunday, January 1, 2012

Kentucky v Louisville....

Happy New Year!! Another year another win. Kentucky hosted the 4th ranked team in the land yesterday and again foiled the New Years Eve plans of Cardinal nation. Kentucky was led by freshman "beast" Michael Kidd Gilchrist who contributed 24 points and 19 rebounds in 39 minutes of play. Anthony Davis continued to be a block machine by adding 6 blocks to his resume. The rest of the team did what was needed to win. Did we learn anything? Yes and no. More importantly we can put this game behind us and celebrate our win.

Some takeaways...

1. Tony Greene...
Tony Greene was only one of the officials on hand yesterday but my animosity for him is almost legendary. Due to his reputation, I am clumping them all together. The officials were terrible. Fans love to say that every ref is against them. These refs were neither with us or against us. They were worried about being in the background of a SportsCenter shot looking helpless during a brawl Ala UC/Xavier. EVERYTHING was called. The game was robbed of any momentum. My fiancee fell asleep at one point. 52 fouls were committed between the teams. Both teams were cordial and honorable towards one another. This game was in NO danger of becoming another Over the Rhine brawl.

2. Russ Smith
I was crazy impressed with the Bronx native yesterday. His 30 points kept Louisville in this thing and his fiery determination was fun to watch. How he came off the bench I don't know, but knowing slick Rick's love of four year players, it will be fun to watch him grow.

3. Pitino
After the game Rick told what few reporters were around (and his post game show audience) that he would be shocked if Louisville made the tournament. This from the same guy who said he would retire in 2017 then said he never said that. Rick isn't who he used to be. He can still coach, but his comments after, well anything, are just bizarre. Louisville is a tournament team barring a collapse. Which is doubtful.

4. Jones
Terrence Jones was terrible. Terrence Jones saved us. You take your pick there. A lot of people are in the camp that Jones was a non factor with his 2 points but I take a different angle. I LOVED Jones attitude on the court. He had the right attitude in this game and was caught often on camera screaming and encouraging himself and his team. Besides, those 11 rebounds helped.

5. Blocks
Anthony Davis was his typical efficient self blocking shots yesterday. Louisville's Gorgui Dieng tied with Davis for 6 blocks too. Dieng looks like the player he is supposed to be and will only get better. Louisville's defense is GOOD. Dieng is a critical component to their success. After all, they held us to 69 points in Rupp.

What's Next?
Kentucky actually travels to Louisville to play Arkansas Little Rock in Freedom Hall on Tuesday night. Hopefully the crowd will be better than years past in the former home of the dirty birds. It will be our last tune up before starting SEC play at home against South Carolina on Saturday.

Hoosier Daddy?
Indiana did it again at Assembly Hall. The Hoosiers upset Ohio State on Saturday with stellar play by its starting 5. With that said, think god no one got hurt because the rest of the team was a non factor. Doesn't matter because right now they are a solid NCAA tournament team. Unless they pull a Clemson....

Game of the Upcoming Week
A lot of good match ups this week but one stands out- Michigan State v Wisconsin. Sparty "upset" Indiana at home while Wisconsin got upset at home. You heard that right. Wisconsin lost at the Kohl center. Both teams are looking to prove something in this slug em out Big Ten defensive show down.

It's going to be a sad week as my fiancee leaves tomorrow for a month in Africa. Here we go....

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