Saturday, May 14, 2011

Launching Braintree

After nearly a year of tinkering, I think it is officially time to roll out "Braintree". I have always been impressed with President John Adams. David McCullough's biography of Adams showed this nation what an asset he was in the fight for independence. Adams had many flaws that hopefully will not show their way onto the pages of this blog. One of his strengths was his love of free speech. That is exactly what Braintree will be. It will be a place to comment on the news of the day- both sports and world events. For the summer months, we will mainly focus on the NBA Playoffs, Grand Slam Tennis, The first GOP debate, MLB, and any other events that suddenly transpire. Moving into the fall we will turn our attention to college football, MLB playoffs, the NFL (maybe), and the off year elections here in the commonwealth of Kentucky. I don't claim to be an expert on anything. I only hope to present news in an analytical yet witty way that is different from what you see everywhere else. Stories that fall through the mainstream cracks will also be looked at. Feel free to submit ideas, events, pictures or whatever you wish. The more input the better. I hope that you enjoy Braintree. Enough self promotion, lets do this.

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