Sunday, January 23, 2011


Another long Sunday full of mystery and intrigue. My master plan of doing laundry was foiled by an amazing case of apathy and a heavy dose of distraction. Also being on your feet for 7 hours will indeed add to a lack of desire to trek outside to do laundry. So instead I am curled up at home watching my Sunday night Showtime television series.

If you haven't checked out Episodes, you need to give it a dance. It's a fantastic show about a married British couple who are the creators of a popular BBC show that is brought over to the states (ala The Office, Shameless, etc). The bloody yanks decide to butcher it and cast Matt LeBlanc as the lead. It's an amazingly well written program and worth your time.

Well it is late, and I am tired. Off to watch another episode of Californication then it is off to bed. 9am workout? We shall see about that...

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